What Enlightenment Teaches Us About Life

The majority of humans are completely oblivious to what they should be doing in life. We’re all here for a reason, aren’t we? If so, don’t you think we should have some idea of what that reason is?

The Mystery of Life

We’re all sort of thrown into existence, without any explanation. Life is a very mysterious thing for most people. And for this reason, it’s likely that you’ll end up avoiding any kind of real spiritual growth.

With this lack of understanding comes an incredible amount of fear. For instance, it’s unlikely that you will find a person who isn’t afraid of death. That’s because they don’t know what’s going to happen to them after they die. The uncertainty they feel can carry over and become a fear in life. This leads to overly conservative ways of living and thinking.

Suffering & Spiritual Growth

Experiencing fear is just one of means of suffering in life. There are many ways we suffer and one benefit of this is that it can lead to spiritual growth.

When you push the boundaries of your own existence, you make the most progress. It’s important to challenge what you know by turning inward. Only then can you learn the hard lessons and make substantial spiritual progress.

The great sages and mystics of the past have figured out exactly why they are here. In a lot of cases, this was achieved by intentionally subjecting themselves to suffering. In the example of the ascetics, this was done through extreme deprivation.

What Enlightenment Teaches Us About Life

By experiencing the truth of a non-dual unified reality, the enlightened have learned who they really are. They understand it’s the separateness that’s been keeping them stuck in a cycle of delusional incarnations.

The enlightened have absolutely no fear of death. That’s because they’ve learned that there’s no need to associate themselves with a body anymore. So they’re free to enjoy life without that threat learning over their heads.

The realization of oneness you experience with enlightenment uncovers who you really are. When you have first-hand knowledge of this, you’ll instantly be able to see the illusory nature of the separateness in life.