The Long-Term Effects of Enlightenment

Enlightenment has some obvious long-term effects that let you determine whether you’ve attained true enlightenment. If you’d like to be 100% sure, here are the effects enlightenment will have on you.

An Absence of Fear

This is one of the most telling signs that you’ve become enlightened. There will be a brand new absence of fear in your mind. In fact, any fearful thoughts that arise in your mind should instantly transform into blissful ones.

It’s important to mindfully monitor your thoughts after experiencing a potential enlightenment. There should be an almost magical lack of fear. Even when you intentionally conjure fear, it will travel to the bliss centre of the brain.

A prominent and consistent fear that will vanish from your life is the fear of death. You’ll know that when you die, you’ll be safe from harm because there wasn’t really a separate you to begin with.

Knowing that Everything is One

After enlightenment, you will take with you the knowledge that everything in existence is one. The experience of enlightenment has the power to teach you this in an extremely profound way. So profound that it will leave you with an intuitive sense of knowing this truth.

This is one of the most motivating of the long-term effects of enlightenment. Because now you feel the need to spread this message of unity to the rest of the world. Also, it’s common to believe that this message will be the most beneficial to humanity.

Compassion for Everything and Everyone

There will be a new found sense of peace in your life. This is because you’ve realized that everything and everyone around you deserves your compassion. The reason for this is due to the fact that you now know that everything is one. Feeling love and compassion for others is the same as feeling love and compassion for yourself.

A Missing Sense of Self

One of the most dramatic changes you will notice is an undeniable feeling of no self. Your mind won’t be able to decipher any separation between you and the external world. That means when you look at your hand, it will appear to be merged with the outside environment.

You’ll now understand that the strong sense of a separate self you once felt wasn’t true reality. And now finally, your mind will be able to recognize the truth of one united consciousness.