Sudden Enlightenment – What Enlightenment Feels Like

Genuine sudden enlightenment is not a subtle thing. It’s even been compared to being struck by lightning, or connecting to an infinite power supply. The one thing that’s for sure is when it happens, you’ll know it.

The Moment Before Sudden Enlightenment

Like a calm before the storm, the moment before enlightenment feels emptier than any moment. The ego is dissolved to the point of non-existence and all that’s left is a shell. Then it happens. Out of nowhere, this monumental event somehow takes place. That’s why enlightenment is so groundbreaking and relevant. How can a person so empty, suddenly have all of this universal energy flowing through them? How can a dormant circuit suddenly become a super conductor? That is the mystery and the miracle of enlightenment.

The Moment of Sudden Enlightenment

I guarantee this moment is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. During sudden enlightenment, you might be wondering if you’ll be able to survive what’s happening to you. The abrupt shock to the system is just that intense. You feel like the situation is completely out of your control and submitting to it is your only option.

The experience involves all of time and space. Time actually stops, and you instantly expand to become the entirety of space. Then marvel at the magnificence of it all, of yourself. And in an instance, you’ve acquired all of the universe’s infinite intelligence. You now feel profoundly timeless and immortal.

The Moment After Sudden Enlightenment

The moment following sudden enlightenment is both magical and confusing. You’ve reentered your timeline and a finite body. Now you might wonder what the permanent effects will be. You know that what happened to you will be with you forever. Your mind has undergone a dramatic change and is being rewired to facilitate a new mental landscape. From that point forward, the way you look at everything is non-dualistically. Everything appears one, even with yourself. This is an astonishingly different way of looking at things.

You realize that separateness had been holding you back your entire life. Until now, you didn’t know what true bliss felt like. Your mind feels completely at peace with the world. No more struggling to maintain a false sense of self. Now you can live authentically, and free of conflict.