How to Free Yourself from Suffering

Suffering is an unavoidable part of life. Everybody must endure it in one or form or another. We all take part in a timeline, deteriorate and die. To free yourself from suffering you need to understand it. There’s a reason for suffering and there’s something we’ve overlooked that’s causing it.

What is the Purpose of Suffering?

Suffering is present in all of our lives to act as a signal. It’s here to encourage us to acknowledge a lack of awareness. An ignorance to the true nature of existence. And until we acknowledge this truth, we’ll continue to suffer.

The true nature of existence is all-encompassing, eternal non-duality. This is a state without suffering. No time, space or separation. Just pure, peaceful oneness. It is reality in it’s truest form. It is what each of us originated from and where each of us is meant to be.

How to Free Yourself from Suffering

If you want to know how to free yourself from suffering, you need to know what to focus on. Our objective in life should be to become aware of the truth of existence. This requires consistent inquiry into our true nature. Also, eliminating the belief of a separate self, which means dropping the idea of a self all together. When this is successfully accomplished, unification with eternal consciousness can take place.

To raise consciousness and become more aware of non-duality you need a quiet mind. The majority of people have too many distracting thoughts in their mind to focus on the truth. That’s why meditation is crucial to make significant progress with awareness.

The purpose of suffering is to let us know that we don’t belong here. It’s here help us realize that we need to return to the place we came from. When you pause and search your mind for the truth of who you really are you’ll discover something. You’ll find a brand new reality of pure being. A completely unified, boundless and timeless state that was here for you all along.