Enlightenment and Death – What Happens When You Die

What’s the Big Deal?

Enlightenment teaches us something very important about death. After enlightenment you realize that death isn’t such a big of a deal. With the false sense of self out of the way, death is revealed as harmless. Enlightenment and death work together in a way that makes the transition to physical death seem completely natural. It’s hard for the ego to see death this way because it always needs to protect the self.

For the majority of people both enlightenment and death seem very unnatural. Faced with physical death, most people will retreat back to the self because that’s all they’ve known. This means they won’t recognize their true self when they see it.

The eternal consciousness of the true self presents itself at death. And in order to fully integrate with it you need to be ready to surrender to it. This is impossible to do when you hold the idea of a separate self in your mind.

The Cycle of Rebirth

When a sense of self is present in your life death is extremely hard to accept. It makes you feel like it’s necessary to return after death. And if your conscious, subconscious and even spirit sees life this way then it’s inevitable. When you avoid non-duality, the self continues to forge karmic ties and remains in the cycle of rebirth.

Enlightenment severs any connections the self has made. All karma has been resolved and there will be freedom from rebirth. Any potential ties in the future are automatically overcome. The truth has been discovered, so the destination is clear. With the knowledge that everything is one, an enlightened person knows this will become a physical manifestation.

Eternal Consciousness

Before enlightenment the confusion concerning death is always present in your subconscious. There’s a prevalent sense of fear surrounding death because that means no more “you”. After enlightenment you understand there was no “you” to begin with, so there’s never been anything to be afraid of. There’s no more mystery of the unknown because you’ve uncovered the mystery. The ultimate destination will be unity with eternal consciousness.