Death of the Self: A Life with No Self

Death of the Self

When you become enlightened a funny thing happens. The strong feeling you used to have of being separate from everything else disappears. With death of the self, what you’re left with is the sense of being in a constant field of awareness. This is the true state of existence that’s been hidden from you all along.

A Life with No Self

After enlightenment you’ll continue to live your life without a sense of self, which can take some getting used to. At first it will feel like the compassion flood gates have opened. You’ll recognize everyone you come into contact with, as a part of you. And the environment around you will feel like it’s blending into you.

Everyone in your life will all still be the same, so relating to them will be difficult. You might decide to be alone for a while to bask in the feeling of unity with everything. This will feel like no other feeling you’ve felt before. At times, so blissful that it will feel like you’re in heaven.

The Self and the Ego

The sense of self is different from the ego. The ego preserves separation, and the sense of self embodies it. After the ego has been dissolved completely the sense of self is vulnerable. Death of the sense of self can then occur with enlightenment.

After enlightenment, the ego returns. Except now it doesn’t need to preserve separation. So it can still be developed in the same way, but without an attachment to the separate self.

Physical Death

Physical death is different for those without a sense of self. Since there’s nothing separate for them to cling to, they’re free to merge completely with the universe.

A good way to tell whether you’re ready for enlightenment is to ask yourself this question: Are you ready to give up any sense of separation and merge with the universe? If the answer is yes, then fully pursue enlightenment.